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Dooit API

DooitAPI is an api object that you'll use in your config to configure everything in dooit's ui
All the next sections will walk you through all the functions provided by the api

There are two things that you need to know of:

  • The api has certain functions to perform some particular tasks
  • The api also exposes other sub modules which you can find in other section for configurations


You probably wont need to deep dive too much into api functions, check out Default Keys from config as probably everything is already set to sane defaults



def setup(api: DooitAPI, _):
    api.<Your function here>

method quit

Quits the app

method notify

Create a notification to show in the bar


messageThe message to show on the bar
level"info"The level of the message. Can be info, warning or error

method add_child_node

Add a child to the highlighted item

method add_sibling

Add a sibling to the highlighted item

method copy_description_to_clipboard

Copy the description of the selected node to clipboard

method decrease_urgency

Decrease the urgency of the todo

method edit_description

Start editing the description of the focused item

method edit_due

Start editing the due date of the todo

method edit_effort

Start editing the effort of the todo

method edit_recurrence

Start editing the recurrence of the todo

method go_to_bottom

Move the cursor to the bottom of the list

method go_to_top

Move the cursor to the top of the list

method increase_urgency

Increase the urgency of the todo

method move_down

Move the cursor down in the focused list

method move_up

Move the cursor up in the focused list

method remove_node

Remove the highlighted item

method shift_down

Shift the highlighted item down

method shift_up

Shift the highlighted item up

Start a search within the list

method start_sort

Start sorting the siblings of the highlighted item

method switch_focus

Switch focus between the workspace and the todo list

method toggle_complete

Toggle the completion of the todo

method toggle_expand

Toggle the expansion of the highlighted item

method toggle_expand_parent

Toggle the expansion of the parent of the highlighted item